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Case Study – A Real Example Of What Should Not Be Done – 1

I've been following the blog for a long time and I've learned a lot. I'm following the Red pill Forum, of course. I don't have a problem with accepting my mistakes, and on the contrary, I would like to share what I have to share with you or with the blog. You can publish it if you see fit. Even if you don't have to publish, reading and interpreting will add a lot to me. The summary of the incident is beyond the mercenary and the concrete. I do not think that people who have learned something from this blog will fall into this situation. This is the conversation between me and the girl. We were in the same class as the girl, and as you know, the Whatsapp group was set up. I was thinking about texting the girl, but she threw me the first message in a way I didn't expect. The speeches were going well, but it was a mistake that I often texted, which was also mentioned in the men's block. At the end of the 2-week process, when the man who did not care and did not
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Men Who Listen To Trouble

Meriç, usually without emotional / sexual response to the girl who do good, spend money, compliment or defend the girl's mistakes are called true. Watch out, it's all men's actions. But there is also a hadith that makes the man passive without doing anything: listening to the girl's problem. I thought I'd open it up a little because it's one of the beta traps. It is stated in the last article; however, the event I will tell is his slightly expanded version. One day you'll meet a girl in any social environment. From the start, the electricity travels in the air, the numbers are easily received and given. He's shy at first, thinking about what I should write when texting her. After all, this is the chance!) he doesn't want to miss it. Then there's something he doesn't expect! She sends a message to him. He's very sad, he's asking for help. The opportunity that our man is waiting for has come to his feet. By listening to the gir

Practice Of Discipline – Part 3 - Recharge

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Practice Of Discipline – Part 2-Small And Gradual Changes

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Practice Of Discipline – Part 1 – Fuck The Motivation You Need Discipline.

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Self Discipline And The “Pain” You Apply To Yourself Are The Most Powerful Means If Improving Yourself.

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Don't Let A Woman Impose Her Frame

Each interaction includes a framework in which one person is judged and judged and the other is engaged in satisfaction. The higher the value, naturally, enters the frame of assessment, and the lower the value, the lower the frame of self-proof and satisfaction. While many men are with a woman, without much thought on it, ast falls into the frame by allowing the development of the interaction in that way. We've been taught to answer questions since we were kids. At school, when we answered the questions correctly, we were rewarded by our teachers, and even at University, we took notes by influencing the professor with our mastery of the subject. The problem is that we carry our need for approval to our adulthood, and we let others dominate us by explaining our behavior and thoughts. In fact, many people are too eager to answer the question when asked. But by doing so, AST agrees to fall into the frame. For example, a question women frequently ask is, “what do you do?”stop. By a