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Case Study – A Real Example Of What Should Not Be Done – 1

I've been following the blog for a long time and I've learned a lot. I'm following the Red pill Forum, of course. I don't have a problem with accepting my mistakes, and on the contrary, I would like to share what I have to share with you or with the blog. You can publish it if you see fit. Even if you don't have to publish, reading and interpreting will add a lot to me. The summary of the incident is beyond the mercenary and the concrete. I do not think that people who have learned something from this blog will fall into this situation. This is the conversation between me and the girl. We were in the same class as the girl, and as you know, the Whatsapp group was set up. I was thinking about texting the girl, but she threw me the first message in a way I didn't expect. The speeches were going well, but it was a mistake that I often texted, which was also mentioned in the men's block. At the end of the 2-week process, when the man who did not care and did not

Practice Of Discipline – Part 1 – Fuck The Motivation You Need Discipline.

There are basically two ways to do it yourself when you need to do something. :

First, try to motivate yourself to do this job, the more popular but overwhelmingly wrong option.

Second, it is not popular at all but it is a completely accurate option to gain discipline.

This is one of those things that you get better results when you get a different perspective. Very few places where the concept of paradigm shift is used, gives the right to this concept. Motivation – discipline paradigm is one of these places.

Well, what is the difference between motivation and discipline?

Motivation moves on a false assumption as a certain mental and emotional state is required to complete a task.  This is a completely wrong assumption.

Discipline, on the contrary, separates the external function from the mood and emotions. The difference created by this is enormous.

Successful completion of a job ensures the mood that those who delay the job constantly think they need to start the job! Let's make an analogy like this : you can't expect to have the perfect athlete body to start training. You have athlete's body with training.

If the precondition for action is feelings, waiting for the right mood becomes a sneaky version of the process.I'm afraid I know exactly what that means. I wish I'd discovered the hard way myself, 20, 15 or 10 years ago, someone taught me that.

If you wait until you're in the mood to do something, you're screwed. This is exactly what causes the terrible cycle of procrastination to emerge.

Delayed jobs cycle
There is a childish fantasy on the basis of waiting for motivation, which only thinks we should do what we want to do. So we define the problem as follows : “logically, How do I get into the air to do what I have decided to do?"Wrong ”

The right question is, “how do I do things without worrying about my feelings, without whining about what I have consciously decided to do?”

I mean, stop the relationship between emotions and movements, and just do it regardless of how you feel! However, after you do, you will feel well, energized and eager.

Motivation is the wrong way. I'm 100% sure this false frame is the cause of epidemics, “sitting in a room with underwear and playing with a computer or dick”, which spreads rapidly in developed countries.

There are psychological problems with motivation.

In real life, most of what people have to do in the real world is not what anyone in their right mind would want to do with a big will. “Motivation” creates a huge obstacle to doing things on its own that do not have the chance to create any requests. The only solution to this problem is to direct people to do it, whether they want it or not. This is a tricky dilemma that looks horrible, but fortunately.

Basically, it is a kind of self-psychological damage and voluntary madness to try to drain the soul a great desire for a tedious and gloomy activity. I AM SO EAGER TO EDIT THESE EXCEL FILES THAT I CAN'T WAIT TO WRITE FORMULAS THAT WILL CALCULATE THE VALUE OF ANNUAL SALARIES IN THE COMING YEARS. I LOVE MY JOB!!!!”

I don't think that imposing a moderate manic depressive mood on its own is an optimal human activity. Balancing this with depressive episodes is inevitable, because the human brain can't withstand prolonged strain. Safety valves will open, hormonal hangovers will occur.

The worst thing that can happen to you is to accomplish the wrong thing – temporarily. A better scenario is to maintain your mental health, but unfortunately it is perceived as a moral problem. “I still don't like the job I've been supporting all day, there must be something wrong with me.“I still prefer the cake to the salad and I can't lose weight. I'm weak.” I have to buy another book about motivation. “ Crap. The main problem is to approach these problems within the framework of the existence or absence of motivation. The answer is discipline, not motivation.

There is a problem of motivation : the shelf life is short and continuous renewal are required. Motivation is like turning the crank shaft by hand. It can store a maximum amount of energy. Sometimes there is, of course, extreme situations where it is necessary to store a serious mental energy from the beginning. Before an Olympic event or escape from prison. But this is a bad strategy for everyday life.

Discipline is like a motor. Once activated, it provides continuous energy to the system.

There is no mood that is a prerequisite for efficiency. For constant and long-term results, discipline wins motivation, swallows powder, nal gets lumped, fucks his mother.

In summary, motivation is trying to feel like something is going to do. Discipline is to do it even if you don't want to do it. You'il feel good after you do it.

Discipline is a system, and motivation is similar to goals. There are symmetry among them. Discipline is more or less self-sustaining and a constant force, and motivation is something that flashes.

So how do we gain discipline? By winning habits – first, small habits that you can manage, no matter how inconspicuous they are, earn and invest in another, and a click into a larger habit. You make bigger, more difficult changes in your little routine and create a positive feedback loop.

Motivation, is against efficiency. The principal is disciplined.


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