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Case Study – A Real Example Of What Should Not Be Done – 1

I've been following the blog for a long time and I've learned a lot. I'm following the Red pill Forum, of course. I don't have a problem with accepting my mistakes, and on the contrary, I would like to share what I have to share with you or with the blog. You can publish it if you see fit. Even if you don't have to publish, reading and interpreting will add a lot to me. The summary of the incident is beyond the mercenary and the concrete. I do not think that people who have learned something from this blog will fall into this situation. This is the conversation between me and the girl. We were in the same class as the girl, and as you know, the Whatsapp group was set up. I was thinking about texting the girl, but she threw me the first message in a way I didn't expect. The speeches were going well, but it was a mistake that I often texted, which was also mentioned in the men's block. At the end of the 2-week process, when the man who did not care and did not

Self Discipline And The “Pain” You Apply To Yourself Are The Most Powerful Means If Improving Yourself.

Pain is beautiful. I'm not just talking about physical pain, it's part of it, but I'm talking about everything that disturbs you.

I've been noticing for the last two years that pain is a really great and powerful tool. Through pain, we can shape our lives like statues and control both ourselves and our environment. By depriving yourself of small pleasures throughout the day, you can improve your willpower as you improve your muscles by working in the gym.

No, I'm not gonna eat those potato chips this time; I'm gonna close the package and put them away.
No, I'm not going to start the shower with warm water; I'm going to bathe with cold water from head to toe.
No, I'm not gonna pick up my phone to see if there's a new message.I'm gonna leave my phone in my pocket.
No, even if my legs are tired, I'm not going to sit; I'm going to stand for five more minutes.
No, I'm not gonna go to work tomorrow, so I'm not gonna drink at this party. I'il stay sober.

Pain is a good thing because we naturally escape from pain.  When we knowingly and willingly deprive ourselves of the small discomforts / pleasures, we naturally go over something we do not like and become supernatural. We say no to our urge to enjoy. We say no to our animal brain, our subconscious, our human impulses. No, I control my own actions, not my impulses.


The point I'm trying to make is that throughout the day you begin to develop extraordinary self-confidence and self-control, simply by refusing small pleasures to prove that I control my actions. When you realize that all the small details of your ordinary everyday life are under your control, you begin to realize that it can spread the same control over all areas of your life. Man is the ruler of his own destiny, and the best way to truly appreciate it is to walk the bitter path.

The reason I wrote this article was that you lived a very solitary life than before and it was a wonderful thing. The super powers that nofap (abstaining from masturbation) provides are actually the product of the newly discovered feeling of control.  If you truly believe that your actions are in control of you, you will realize that this control can be established in every aspect of your life.

It's precious not to let go, no doubt. But I honestly think that the real reason why Nofap is so confident is that you can control your own life.


I mean, I taught myself : after winning “super powers” with NoFap, why can't I get the same control over every impulse? I did this, and I said fuck. When I applied the same control to all other impulses, the “super powers” I experienced with NoFap increased by 100 times.

I'm telling you, folks, this is great. I know that my destiny is 100% in Control, and I'm attaching it to my appreciation of 100% in pain and my new reclusiveness. I can't tell you how great it is to accept that you're not comfortable at all. I've never felt so positive in my life and my own destiny in my hands. Never.

I think it is to give the message that I can do what I want to myself. Even if there was no reason to do it, and I did it just because I could. That's a big fuck to my urges that tell me that I have to choose the fun way and I don't have a choice.

Nope. I'm the boss here. And I choose a less enjoyable way. Because fuck you, I'il drive you. Fuck you, animal brain. Fuck off, my instincts. No, none of you control me.



I don't encourage any kind of self-harm. I'm not talking about self-harm or even permanent damage, but about temporary ailments. It's big, and please don't miss it and don't get me wrong.

I think those who hurt themselves are trying to control their lives, but unfortunately they chose the wrong way.

I'm sure there's a reason you hurt yourself a lot less than that, masochism. I don't enjoy pain. The purpose of this article is not to bless the pain.

I still find it uncomfortable. I'd rather do something comfortable / enjoyable. But as I mentioned before, the value of pain is a sense of avoidance / hate.


In short, before the reclusive comes into existence, one must attain a certain mental level. First of all, you should intend to improve yourself. You should also intend to take full control of your own and make your soul and body a harmonious whole. And finally, as long as it is free of pleasure, you must enter to mature.

Not suffering for pain, but suffering for growing. The difference is important. If you enjoy the pain itself, not the maturing that pain will bring, you are a masochist, and you must question why you prefer solitary life.

Additional (TRP-supported version)):
What people don't understand is that with the practice of self-hypnosis, we teach our minds and minds to take action without the increase of dopamine that we're all addicted to.  Dopamine is secreted by your brain when you eat reward hormone and junk food, when you take drugs and alcohol, when you gamble, when you watch porn, when you have sex and when you play a computer game. When you choose the hard way and self-discipline, you can pursue long-term rewards instead of short-term dopamine beats. This allows the person to progress and develop. We did not fight junk food, video games and masturbation. We fought for the mechanism to pursue short-term pleasure in our brains. Buddha found this 2,500 years ago. If you pursue pleasure, you will suffer more pain and suffering. Any desire will eventually cause pain.

Source : self-disciplined and self-induced satisfying are you most powerful tools for self-improvement. Use pain to make yourself better.

The translator's note : the role of dopamine, which makes a TRP-supported interpretation, is somewhat misidentified as far as I know, but it does not affect the message. Dopamine is not a reward (reaching the goal) but a hormone that is at the right target (hence the dependency hormone).) :

For you, like mice and other mammals, what stimulates your desire for sex is a neurochemical called dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that triggers a portion of the brain called a progressive circuit. This circuit is the region where you feel your desire and pleasure and also depend on something.

The evolutionary task of dopamine is to push you to do what is good for your genes. The more dopamine you secrete, the more severe your will will be. If you don't have dopamine, you're completely bypassing what you're dealing with. With chocolate, cream cake and ice cream, the crayfish will not even secrete dopamine, which makes the dopamine level up. Sexual stimulation is the natural stimulant that allows the most dopamine secretion in your reward circuit.

Dopamine's umbilical name is “addictive molecule” because it has a central role in addiction. Although dopamine is known as “the molecule of pleasure,” it is technically not appropriate. Dopamine is actually a chemical that is completely related to reward seeking, guessing and requesting. Dopamine is not only providing the motivation and willingness to search for potential reward for long-term goals. Although this topic is controversial, thanks to the chemicals called opioid while reward and pleasure.


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