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Case Study – A Real Example Of What Should Not Be Done – 1

I've been following the blog for a long time and I've learned a lot. I'm following the Red pill Forum, of course. I don't have a problem with accepting my mistakes, and on the contrary, I would like to share what I have to share with you or with the blog. You can publish it if you see fit. Even if you don't have to publish, reading and interpreting will add a lot to me. The summary of the incident is beyond the mercenary and the concrete. I do not think that people who have learned something from this blog will fall into this situation. This is the conversation between me and the girl. We were in the same class as the girl, and as you know, the Whatsapp group was set up. I was thinking about texting the girl, but she threw me the first message in a way I didn't expect. The speeches were going well, but it was a mistake that I often texted, which was also mentioned in the men's block. At the end of the 2-week process, when the man who did not care and did not

For The Beginners Carl Jung Part 1- Sayk, Archetypes And Collective Unconscious

The consciousness of the human being has evolved through the ages until it reached the civilized level at the end of a slow and laborious process. This evolution is not even close to finished yet. The vast areas of the human mind are still hidden behind the dark.  (Human and symbols, Carl Jung))

These words belong to Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist who lived between 1875 and 1961. In this article we will address the most important ideas of Carl Jung, including his ideas about the conscious and unconscious regions of the mind, the archetypal theory and the process of individualization, and the way he sees it as a way of selfishness and completeness.

In order to appreciate Jung's great contributions to the field of Psychology, it is necessary to know how he understood the issue of psyche. The word sayk means "spirit" in the original, while the word sayk means "spirit" in the original. by the 20th century, it was used for ‘mind’ in increasing proportions. In jungcu psychology, a person's count can be considered as the whole personality of a person, including his thoughts, behavior, feelings and feelings.

His reputation was one of Jung's biggest concerns, how he worked and how he could influence his work. If we define it with very rough lines, Jung divides the count into three areas : consciousness, personal unconscious and collective unconscious.

They are not completely separate from each other. These fields interact to complement each other. As we will see later, this dynamic interaction between the conscious and unconscious areas of the count causes the potential for change and maturation of the process that Jung calls individualization.

Before we examine the unconscious areas of the count, we will discuss the most familiar area of the count, consciousness. The unconscious mind area can be defined as the awareness area of the person and consists of the conscious content that the person knows. The center of this awareness area is what Jung calls the ego. The ego is the person who is directly aware of it.

Or knowing the ego with Jung's words :

"I don't know."..(ego) is the subject of all ego conscious personal movements, for the Central and experiential personality of the field of consciousness (Carl Jung, the Portable Jung))

Ego plays a very important role in one's life as a door guard who States which content of experiences will be reflected in consciousness, which will be eliminated, suppressed or ignored. The ego helps to express the contents of the personal information that we are about to look at as gatekeepers. Jung writes: :

"There are events that we do not consciously record; these events remain under the threshold of knowledge when the expression is in place. But they are absorbed into the subconscious."(Human and symbols, Carl Jung)

These events absorbed under thresholds take place in their personal wisdom. According to Jung, there are a lot of events that have been thrown into his subconscious by pushing or ignoring the ego so that it is too shock, unimportant, or simply kept in mind. These events do not completely disappear from the soul of man. Instead, he invades his personal wisdom and continues to have the potential to personalize his personality. It is important to emphasize that the subconscious mind is a place without taking and storing forgotten memories. They interact dynamically and play important roles in one's life.

One of the ways that personal subconscious affects the behavior of a person is what Jung calls a complex. Many people know the so-called complex concept in psychology. Sigmund Freud, famous for the Oedipus complex, whilst Alfred Adler, the contemporaries of Jung and Freud, stresses the importance of the inferiority complex.

Jung complexes are designed as sub-individuals with strong control over one's feelings and behaviors. A primer for Jung's classic Introduction, Jungian psychology.:

"One of the interesting and important features of personal wisdom is the collection of content groups and a cluster or Constellation can be created.  Jung called them the complex ... When we say that a person has a complex, we will say that that person's head is too busy to think of anything else. He has a "obsession" with modern expression. Although a strong complex can be easily discovered by others, one may be aware of the complex itself."(A primer of jungian psychology)

According to Ann, Jung's mentor for a certain period of time, the complexes are caused by their childhood, but Jung is not satisfied with this explanation. With the dissatisfaction of Freud's explanation, he investigated what caused the complexes in the world of sayyk. What he would discover was a deeper and more basic dish of personal wisdom. Jung called it active wisdom.

This discovery was made by extensive analysis and comparisons of scientific materials such as dream and fantasy of Jung's diseases with religion and myth studies. Jung discovered that the subtypes of different diseases were secretly similar, and at the same time the applications of change, mythological motives and religious symbols were also mysterious similarities. This discovery led to Jung suggesting that he had another sayk region next to his knowledge and personal wisdom.

Jung writes::

"The decisive effects from the subconscious are true ... they provide the same or even the same experience of each individual, regardless of tradition, and determine the way in which it is reflected to the power of imagination. One of the greatest proofs of this is the Universal parallelism of religious motives. (Archetypes and collective unconscious, Carl Jung)

The concept of Jung's active component is one of the most important contributions to the field of Psychology. In addition to the personal wisdom of one's own experience, Jung has inherited one's own and says that universal learning is another wisdom. :

"One can find subtle traits that he did not win but inherited. For example, because of the challenge, wisdom is like the instincts that move without motivation. In this deeper layer, we find the archetypes ... Instincts and archetypes together form the collective unconscious. I call them collective because unlike personal knowledge, they are not based on one's more or less specific experiences, but they are universal and they appear regularly. (Basic Jung, Carl Jung and Anthony storr)

According to Jung, archetypes are made saykik, the” ancient legacy of man " that is common to all humans. Archetypes can also be recognized as conceptual categories or contributions that people have by nature and cause their thinking, feeling, perception, and behavior in a certain way.

Jung doesn't believe a person can sense the archetypes. The person can explain the existence of archetypiles by observing the images and symbols that arise from the existence of their intellect.  The archetypes are the same as images and symbols, but with images, symbols and some other phenomena, they manifest themselves.

Anthony Stevens describes the archetypes:

"(Archetypes) have the capacity to initiate, control and represent the common characteristics and typical experiences of all mankind. For this reason, in certain cases, archetypes, class, place of life, race and life in people regardless of age, similar thoughts, images, mythological images, emotions and ideas cause. (Jung: A Very Short Introduction, Anthony Stevens)

Some archetypes that Jung examines include: mother, birth, death, rebirth, power, hero and child. But Jung also stated :

"There are as many archetypes as the typical situations in life. Endless repetition has drawn these experiences to our spiritual composition. Not only as content-packed images, but as non-content forms that represent a specific clue and behavior potential at first."(Archetypes and collective unconscious, Carl Jung)

There are deep evolutionary foundations of the archetypes of collective unconscious, and Jung accepts them as the inherited part of the count. What is obvious to Jung is that just as the body evolved at the end of a long process, some inclinations and internal predisposition in sayki evolved on a broad evolutionary line.:

"Just as the human body looks like a museum of organs with a long evolutionary history, we must expect the mind to be organized in the same way. The mind can no longer be considered as a product with no history. By the past, I mean not that the mind is building itself through language and other cultural traditions with a conscious reference to the past. I'm talking about biological, prehistoric and subconscious development of the mind of archaic people who are closer to the animal. (Human and symbols, Carl Jung))

Archetypes have formed in an evolutionary way in a very long period of time, and although they are similar to all humans, they show themselves differently in each individual. In other words, archetypes interact dynamically with one's experiences, and this dynamism causes each individual to develop a unique personality.

Jung believes that it is very important for each individual to face and integrate his or her subconscious content. Jung says failure to do so will lead to a squashed individual. :

“For spiritual balance and psychological health, the subconscious and consciousness must be connected and acted in parallel in an integrated way. If these two move separately or break apart, psychological problems arise. (Human and symbols, Carl Jung))

The process of confronting this subconscious, according to Jung, is the way to know yourself. Jung called this process the process of individualization :

"I use the term individuation to refer to the process of being separate, indivisible and complete in the psychological sense of the person. (Carl Jung))

In the second part we will look at this process of individualization in detail and we will also introduce some archetypes such as shadow and shadow, anima and animus.


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