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Case Study – A Real Example Of What Should Not Be Done – 1

I've been following the blog for a long time and I've learned a lot. I'm following the Red pill Forum, of course. I don't have a problem with accepting my mistakes, and on the contrary, I would like to share what I have to share with you or with the blog. You can publish it if you see fit. Even if you don't have to publish, reading and interpreting will add a lot to me. The summary of the incident is beyond the mercenary and the concrete. I do not think that people who have learned something from this blog will fall into this situation. This is the conversation between me and the girl. We were in the same class as the girl, and as you know, the Whatsapp group was set up. I was thinking about texting the girl, but she threw me the first message in a way I didn't expect. The speeches were going well, but it was a mistake that I often texted, which was also mentioned in the men's block. At the end of the 2-week process, when the man who did not care and did not

50 Tons Of Red Pill Part III

  • A woman's attractiveness comes from her happiness and a man's self-confidence. A woman who expects to be comforted all the time loses her charm, just like a frightened man.
    • Men have to earn value and women have to maintain value. This is where the woman's age comes from. It's more of a man than a woman.
    • If you miss a woman all the time, you've already lost her. Let him go. He must be the one who constantly misses. Be a prize, not a contestant. The prizes never lose, and the contestants often lose.
    • When it comes to men, women are like Mozart at the piano Head. Men play nature, women play with men. The man's goal is civilization, the woman's goal is men.
    • Arrogant is a man-made, but she's got a curve on her. When a smart man is attractive to women, a smart man is not attractive to men.
    • A man must be wiser than a woman to fall in love with him. In cultures where women are valued, women are wiser than men, so in such environments, most men are not attracted by women.
    • The fact that a man is more intelligent than a woman balances the woman's advantage from the outside. If a woman is as smart as a man, that balance will be lost. Seeing yourself as big doesn't diminish a man's chances of having sex.
    • A woman wants you to pay less attention to her than she wants. If you pay as much attention as you want, your desire will be lost. Women find the attention of men who do what they say worthless. So be gentle, because there is no such thing as being very gentle when it is easy for a man to be very generous in terms of interest.
    • Women's expectations and appetites are usually not equal. They always think they deserve it.
    • If a woman is looking for a reason to blame the man for his own decisions and throw him out of responsibility, she will surely find it. Because women always escape responsibility and hate to answer for what they do.
    • Women have a habit of getting you away from your target, don't let that happen.
    • The difference between young girls and women is not as big as the difference between boys and girls.
    • A woman's apparent sense of morality is nothing more than a mechanism that tries to embarrass and deter men. Don't be ashamed of your thoughts, or the woman will blame you.
    • Women do not find a weak man attractive, but men find the delicateness of women attractive. Therefore, there is no sexual equality, because the desire of the woman depends entirely on the strength of the man by shielding the burden.
    • When there is a problem between a woman and a man, the fault is always considered to be in the man and the man is expected to solve the problem. In most women, the society rejects it as a courtesy and demands that the man take responsibility. It's probably not a big deal to say that people believe it's easier to put a man under pressure than to invite a woman to reason.
    • Women have relationships, men have success.
    • The woman's inability, sympathy and desire to help. The man's, even though he's helping, he's aroused disgust. It's a choice for women to be independent, but men don't have that choice.
    • No woman wants a man who needs a woman. Women are not in need of themselves, only men who desire themselves. The need for a woman is the shortest way to lose her, and they can't tolerate the need for it.
    • Women are more dependent and therefore more dangerous side. Because meeting the big needs requires big rogues.
    • Logic is a sign of men, and cunning is of women. Strategy is the mastery of the men's world.
    • A woman's sexual attraction allows her to get everything. That's why ugly women are miserable. Women reach their desires and emotional needs by awakening a man's desire. Men try to awaken the woman's desire only to meet her sexual needs.
    • Women despise that men with low status pay attention to themselves, and they express this by fitting it in the case of morality. In fact, the basis of this disgust lies in the desire to be made by a powerful man as a sex object. While the weak man's hand is empty, the strong man experiences all his sexual desires.
    • It is the only reason for women to get a worthy man, but they are never sure they get the best.
    • While sitting in a balcony, it does not appear as impressive as it is viewed from the street, hypergami is unaware of it.
    • Today, women believe that men are not men enough and women are not women enough. Both views are true, the plague of our age of double sex.
    • If a woman is accusing you of cheating while you do nothing, she probably reflects her unfaithfulness to you. Leave immediately.
    • The reason women drag their sons to failure is that they only approach events from the point of view of women. It is inevitable that only male children who are raised by their mother and who are not a man around will fail. No matter how much a mother loves her son, she cannot be a guide to him, because she does not have an abstract thought system to understand the man's existential point of view. It's not a choice, it's a lack of female nature.
    • A woman doesn't want her ex-boyfriend to grow up after herself, because she wants to make sure she makes the right choice by leaving her. Otherwise, the hypergamia gets hurt and feels great remorse from the movement.
    • It's stupid to expect a woman to do the right thing by trusting her conscience.
    • The smarter the woman is, the faster she takes her emotions into the guise of logic.
    • The men they call women's soul mates are the high-status men they create subconsciously. Men have no soul mate, women they like and don't like.
    • Whether a man wins or loses, he has to take risks. It is a privilege for women to remain indifferent and passive. Male performance is a liability. Risk taking is the most basic characteristic of men. Having XY chromosomes requires this. Lazy and lethargic men have empty hands.
    • Women who act masculine are an example of a bad man because they try to show the hardness of a man without taking the logic and sense of responsibility.
    • A woman doesn't like a man who doesn't give what she wants, but she hates a man who gives what she wants without resistance.
    • The more a woman Ages, the less likely she is to marry a man of high status, and the more likely she is to find a better partner. Because women are smarter about relationships than men, they can tie up men whose values are rising while their values fall.
    • When it comes to fertility and beauty, time is not on the side of the woman, but on the side of the man. It is caused by the rapid decrease in the values of women's efforts to maintain a constant level of relationship.
    • Alpha male puts his weight on serious matters (such as allowing him to choose the color of the veil) while pretending to leave the power to the woman in simple terms. Thus, the woman satisfies her ego, assuming that even in trivial matters, the power is in her own hands.
    • If you're a winning man, she'il take care of your little problem, but you don't care if you die losing.
    • A winning man has the luxury of being rude and uncooperative, and even in such cases, even if the man makes mistakes, the woman apologizes. But if you're a loser, the woman holds you responsible even for her own mistakes.
    • The man who is weak in the face of his woman is like the parent who subjugated him and himself to the disaster by subjecting his child.
    • Just as a man can't get sex easily, a woman can't get commitment easily. Men seduce women for sex, women seduce men for sex. A woman makes money, a man makes investment.
    • The more emotionally unreachable you are, the closer the woman will be to you.
    • The only way a man can protect himself from female influence is to shock 99 percent of the woman's cheerleader. The remaining 1 percent becomes intelligent, psychopathic or masochistic.
    • Innocence is the biggest illusion of women. Especially if it comes to the fore, it is definitely illusionism.
    • Never tell the truth about women you want to fall in love with. Women can't take this honesty because they see themselves as enemies, confronting men with a disturbing truth.
    • Women overcome separation faster than men because it's easier to find someone to fill their emotional gaps, invest less, and refresh their memory to forget even your favorite aspects.
    • Women are a good servant and a bad master. Giving power to a woman is a disaster.
    • Women are always loyal to your power. Having power means having women. If you lose power once, be ready for treason.
    • Women don't like you unless you're a high-energy dominant. Women can only love men who are more ruthless than themselves. Every relationship started without such a personality is based on economic interests and not on love.
    • A single woman is a woman who can't afford to invest in herself. The single man is the one who doesn't make this investment.


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