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Case Study – A Real Example Of What Should Not Be Done – 1

I've been following the blog for a long time and I've learned a lot. I'm following the Red pill Forum, of course. I don't have a problem with accepting my mistakes, and on the contrary, I would like to share what I have to share with you or with the blog. You can publish it if you see fit. Even if you don't have to publish, reading and interpreting will add a lot to me. The summary of the incident is beyond the mercenary and the concrete. I do not think that people who have learned something from this blog will fall into this situation. This is the conversation between me and the girl. We were in the same class as the girl, and as you know, the Whatsapp group was set up. I was thinking about texting the girl, but she threw me the first message in a way I didn't expect. The speeches were going well, but it was a mistake that I often texted, which was also mentioned in the men's block. At the end of the 2-week process, when the man who did not care and did not

50 Tons Of Red Pill Part II

  • Women are like mercenaries. They do their best to win. They change sides all of a sudden or lie according to the eye to get the man they think is the best option. For a woman, unfortunately, you're just a “choice.”
    • Society says it will be appreciated by women because it reflects the essence of a man who openly shares his fears. This is a comical lie. Because an ordinary woman loves the delicate structure of a woman, she thinks she likes her own. But a woman who experiences a load like this will plan to end the relationship. Women can't tolerate weakness. The man's mistake here is to assume that what's attractive to him is attractive to her. Before the sexual revolution, men already knew it wasn't like that.
    • The superficial weaknesses of a strong man are what she likes. This is what women mean by men who are at peace with themselves, not self-confidence.
    • Men think that sharing their weaknesses is a sign of love and trust, that pain will reinforce the bond between them. But in such a situation, the woman is disgusted by the weakness exhibited. Women do not respect your weakness, your pain, or your shared difficulties with them. Or rather, they don't care. On the contrary, they admire your standing in the face of such situations.
    • Money is a man's makeup.
    • For women, money is more important than men. So go after the money, not the women. You're more likely to get women when you're chasing money than you're gonna get women when you're chasing money. Without your money or a physics, you play the game at the hardest level. Money means having better of everything, and the beauty of the woman with you is proof of that.
    • Men can only manage a relationship by being calm, while women are overreacting.
    • Women use extreme feelings for their own benefit, which exhausts men. Women's emotional movements are mostly theater.
    • Women love drama, because this method uses their feelings as weapons to get what they want. A woman who is free of her emotions cannot fight and remains helpless in the face of psychological tides. In this way, he exaggerates what he sees by interfering with other events and creates new problems that will ease the psychological world's motivation for attack.
    • Women are psychologically prone to violence.
    • Men who act feminine and women who act masculine are not desirable. People tend to help women and respect men. Women gain strength in society by making themselves miserable, and men gain respect by empowerment.
    • Women are the biggest threat to your happiness in the long run. As Nietzsche says: “women are the most dangerous toy."Always guard your guard. The greatest men in history have won war, defeated poverty, and ruled the great empires. Well, what if I told you one reason why these men were destroyed? Yes, you know, women.
    • Always protect yourself. Even if you give the woman the opportunity to fall into your essence, don't make it all clear. Think of yourself as a castle. Let him in, but never give him the key to the biggest door. When he sees that the door is closed, he will ask you what is behind the door and whether you will allow him to enter it. Don't listen to their compressions. Your mother is the only woman worth opening this door. If you think love is to share everything, you can't understand love.
    • Women have two different lives. When you see a good girl out there, there's actually a whore in there. Because women know that being a little bittersweet lowers their value. That's why they prefer to deceive people as if they don't act like this instead of just letting go.
    • The more men a woman slept with, the more wounds she suffered. A woman who slept with dozens of men actually made men an object through sex. There's no relationship with these women. And because they know that, they tend to lower the number of men they sleep with to deceive men.
    • If you want to know exactly the number of men a woman is sleeping with, treat her as if she is not judging. Tell them you've even slept with dozens of women. He will tell the truth with ease.
    • The majority of women try to improve their ability to deceive the other side rather than change their bad side.
    • Women's interest in psychology is nothing more than trying to gain profit by increasing their skills in this field.
    • Women love to teach men morals. So they try to make the other side feel guilty by looking cleaner. Never try to prove yourself to him.
    • Women's mistakes are never seen, men's is never forgotten.
    • Men who grow up without a father or with a weak Father are more likely to exhibit feminine behavior. Similarly, women who grow up without a father or with a weak father also behave masculine. Bad-grown kids can't be a good adult. Of course, there are also people who develop themselves, but they are very few. Be a good example if you have a child. Fathers should be more masculine and tough, and mothers should not betray their husbands and children for their own will, knowing that they are no more important than their parents.
    • Do not engage in serious relationships with women if you are not where you want to be alive. It will always be your first state in mind, and its needs will prevent you from going forward. As you try to improve your body and your work, you will be engaged in making that whining, spreading negative energy, and uploading your own problems to you. His negative attitudes will affect you too.
    • Women are often a debt rather than a gain. It's a black hole that swallows all your money, your time, your resources. That's why the man's commitment is valuable. So don't let this be wasted, or extortion. Be selective about your relationships.
    • Women always think they deserve the best. Most of them are even if not all. They rarely appreciate a man's effort. Is she having a problem? This is not a matter of pride. To him, a man should not choose to help him, but must. But they never appreciate and respect the man who helped him, because women are narcissists who think they have rights to everything by their nature. These behaviors can be changed, but if a man does not do this, the woman does not change on her own.
    • Women rarely appreciate and often have expectations.
    • Women are selfish, they have no ability to think abstract. They don't care about things that don't affect themselves. If you want a woman to take care of something, show her how impressed she is. Or he'il be indifferent.
    • Female selfishness does not perceive the world as an abstract entity, but rather as a stimulant to be experienced. Therefore, the perceptions of reality are not independent of themselves.
    • Women are highly predisposed to herd psychology. They do not like to be sharpened in the band, they constantly try to look normal. This effort is also in men, but it is much more noticeable in women.
    • The majority of women define themselves according to their outward appearance, so they may exist when they measure their bodies. Women who say they trust their intellect rather than their beauty are jealous of the beautiful ones because they have to work harder to get the beautiful ones to win easily.
    • If you're not part of the 20 percent male Group on the hill, women will ignore you. Women say men live easier than 20 percent of the group on the hill. In fact, they are so blindly attached to this idea that they do not see the difficulties of men who are under them for a moment. These men are invisible, because of the hypergami, their existence is ignored and they never get on women's radar. Let's say they have taken their courage and paid attention to these women, and they are immediately embarrassed and declared a harasser.
    • Never start a relationship you can't finish. If you're addicted to women, it's time to leave.
    • Women are slippery, don't trust them. To put it more broadly, trust people for certain things, but separate them from each other. If you think of a domino stone, let the others not overthrow you. Thus, your dependence on the outcome is eliminated and you can replace the men who can't play the role well. Apply this tactic in your relationships with women.
    • For women, reputation is everything. It is above all moral values, rules and principles.
    • Women hate criticism and trial. Even if your criticism is constructive, they consider it an attack on their reputation. They say they're looking for the truth to appear virtuous, but they can't stand hearing the truth. Therefore, when talking to women, it is necessary to present the truth as if it were telling a child.
    • Look what she's doing, not what she's saying. Women lie incredibly often. Add to that their selfishness, and you will find someone who has nothing to do with the truth. By the way, never tell women about red pills. Just apply it. Even if they hate these ideas, they'il love their effects.
    • Women's logic, maturity, modesty, self-consciousness, etc. they love to boast of features they don't have.
    • Women are always adolescents. They consider empty self-confidence and personal preferences to be mature. Being an entrepreneur is not mature. Maturity is measured by how much responsibility a person can take and how much pressure it can exert. Women rarely have these two skills compared to men.
    • Women do not mature much after the age of 18. They just start to like it harder and think they deserve it. They think that they live in enlightenment by enlarging their existence in their eyes. You hear them constantly talking about maturity, but it's actually a manipulation. It's funny that women teach men a mature lesson because they see boys behaving as children who don't like it. Although they may seem to mature sooner than men, they don't actually have a long maturity period as long as men do.
    • By its nature, the woman is interested, likes drama, whimsical, weeping, dreamy and weak in self-criticism. These are usually the habits seen in children. Therefore it is not fair to say that women are not as mature as men.
    • Women like to play games, but on the other hand, they say they hate to play games and play games. This is part of their game.
    • The woman's subconscious mind is always eclipsed. The mechanisms that govern women are universal, not specific to any woman, and largely affect the decision-making process of the woman. This mechanism does not change the superficial characteristics of women to be different.
    • With the movement of a man's manhood, the age of a woman's femininity. Women, just as they see the boy movements they do not like as children, also try to defuse the criticisms that come to them by making the distinction between young girls and women. For example, if you tell a woman the ideas we are talking about here, she will say that this applies not to women but to young girls. The funny thing is, no matter how old she is, she will never see herself as a young girl.
    • In fact, if you think that a woman you can get won't look at you, she won't look at you. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
    • There is logic and philosophy in the soul of men. Women have a tendency to interpret events according to their emotions.
    • The more beautiful a woman is, the more ridiculous her actions are seen by men. But for your own good, you should never let them down.
    • A man who is easily connected and generously distracted is a man's bitch. It's always used, but emotionally it never reciprocates. This one-sided dynamic is called friendzone.
    • Women are always looking for a real man in their lives. If you have a relationship and you are not Manly enough, the woman will deceive you. It is certain that this will happen, and she is only waiting for the right time. Therefore, the continuation of the relationship depends not on the woman, but on the man.
    • If you're a man who's uncomfortable with his manhood, women can abuse your feelings and teach you to be a man because they enjoy hard love. His suffering will encourage you to be a better man. Women are usually the ones that make men meet red pills.
    • Men don't trust women because women's irrational behavior undermines their credibility. Women do not trust men because they fear that men will only desire their bodies without feeling commitment.
    • Whatever men with low social status do, it's a crime, and all the higher ones do is make a profit. The higher your social status, the more comfortable you break the rules.


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